Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I know right?

I haven't done much on my thesis. And I went through a lot of soul searching and have come to a conclusion that I owe it to PROCRASTINATION that I haven't done much.

So today, my workmate informed me that two of my batch mates in the MSc Molecular Medicine program are staying late to finish their thesis proposals and letters to PCHRD and that the deadline of the submission of those documents is today. That alarmed me since I haven't really revised my proposal to its finest form possible yet and it was already past 7 pm when she told me about it.

I was suddenly racking my mind for excuses I could put up so PCHRD wouldn't mind accepting my proposal at a later date. Of course, there is no good excuse that's why I set that aside and decided to just tell the truth that it is still undergoing revisions. I also decided, I'll just dish out the most apologetic letter ever. So I headed home, anxious to get that letter done.

But what do you know, I got home. Sat in front of TV...and watched Leverage Season 3 instead. That's when my house mate, who's also enrolled in the program arrived. She propped herself in her usual viewing spot and proceeded to watch TV with us.

It was only after some 5 minutes that I remembered about the letter and told her that she didn't inform me that the deadline of the letter is today. To which she replied, "who said today's the deadline"?

Turned out it isn't the deadline but that PCHRD is urging us to pass it as soon as possible. That made me feel dumb for feeling anxious earlier. But of course, it also brought relief.

After that, I felt more comfortable watching Australia's Master Chef Season 2. LOL.

But hey, I got around to doing this BLOG. See, I decided to BLOG about my progress in thesis. I hope this would get me in the mood to doing my thesis as I will need to produce results to post in here...I love science but I love to write too...creatively...so I might as well do them together. Just so I wouldn't be stressed that much.

So here's my plan for the next days to come.

I need to finalize my thesis proposal. Which I means, I really have to decide now which cell lines are the best ones to test my extracts for their anti-inflammatory activities. I need to be original this time. Because, the last criticism about my initial proposal was that in essence I wasn't really bringing anything new to the body of scientific knowledge. That kind of hurt my scientific pride so hey I said...I better be ambitious and work hard to hit the mark.

I need to really find plant specimens. Lots of them. Last time I was able to obtain specimens, I didn't get to process them well since work got too busy for me to process the plant specimens. My cousin at DENR is helping me with it but I think she doesn't feel the urgency so I'm not going to put my confidence on that. I'll just have to contact Mr. Bandong from the Institute of Biology in UP Diliman.

I am wondering if any of you guys have an idea where to obtain specimens of takip kuhol or gotu kola. Its scientific name is Centella asiatica. I'll post a picture for your reference. Ayt? Help me out guys. Thanks in advance. =D

Photo is lifted from the site http://www.herbalbiosolutions.us. I have no intention of copyright infringement. Please do not prosecute me. =D

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